Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Edwards Nightly News Roundup - Wednesday 4/25 edition Hotlist

Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 09:21:47 PM EDT

Welcome to the Edwards Nightly News Roundup! Hopefully something of interest in here for everyone.

Lots to talk about today, press releases, more endorsements, Edwards newly released book on poverty, Edwards on the Ed Shultz show, and Edwards major speech on Darfur. We'll try to give you a little bit of everything tonight, though many of these things deserve their own diaries. For now, I'll post some info and links to go further if you are interested. So hop on board and let the Edwards Express take you over the flap.

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Press Releases

Edwards calls on Bush to fire Rove and Gonzales (again)

a partial quote:

"The President should demand that Alberto Gonzales resign, and he should fire Karl Rove. They have turned the Department of Justice into the Department of Political Payback. In doing so, they deny every American the legitimate expectation that justice will be administered without reference to partisan considerations.

"If President Bush doesn't have the courage to fire Gonzales, he should step up and resign for the good of the country."

Check that bolded part out. According to an email sent out today by Edwards' campaign manager David Bonior, Edwards will repeat this call for Rove to be fired at the South Carolina debate tomorrow. We'll see who joins him then, but if you want to join Edwards now, you can sign the petition and let people know that Edwards is speaking for you as well. Let's keep putting the pressure on the most incompetent and corrupt administration in history.

And as many people might already know, Guiliani shed the final vestiges of his moderate skin today and made a vicious attack on Democrats last night saying that electing a Democratic president would be virtually guaranteeing another 9/11.

John Edwards isn't buying it - Edwards' statement on Guiliani:

"Rudy Giuliani's suggestion that there is some superior 'Republican' way to fight terrorism is both divisive and plain wrong. He knows better. That's not the kind of leadership he offered in the days immediately after 9/11, and it's not the kind of leadership any American should be offering now.

"As far as the facts are concerned, the current Republican administration led us into a war in Iraq that has made us less safe and undermined the fight against al Qaeda. If that's the 'Republican' way to fight terror, Giuliani should know that the American people are looking for a better plan. That's just one more reason why this election is so important; we need to elect a Democratic president who will end the disastrous diversion of the war in Iraq."

More Endorsements
Following yesterday's outreach to black legislators across the country by three well-respected South Carolina legislators and impressive endorsements Monday in New Hampshire, Edwards picked up great endorsements (for full release) from Democratic party leaders in Maine:

[State Senate President] Edmonds endorsed Edwards saying, "As the son of a mill worker, John Edwards understands the challenges facing Maine's workers and their families. They deserve fair wages, access to health care, and the chance to build a better life. John Edwards has the vision and the talent to provide hope and opportunity for all Americans. I am proud to endorse him and to join with Democratic leaders from every part of Maine in that support."

Now isn't Maine a heck of a long way from North Carolina? Edwards support is broad-based, his message is resonating and its showing. These state leaders add a tremendous amount of support to his campaign on the grassroots networking and get out the vote level.

John Edwards: Ending Poverty in America - How to Restore the American Dream

Published by UNC at Chapel Hill's Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity, this book offers new insights and ideas on ending poverty:

Through thoughtful analysis and concrete policy suggestions from both liberal and conservative perspectives, the Poverty Center's new book tackles the seemingly intractable problem of poverty in the United States. Divided into five sections, each of which explores a facet of poverty, the book showcases contributions by some of the most distinguished academics and policymakers working in the field today. In addition, it features the advice and wisdom of dedicated community leaders, entrepreneurs and neighborhood organizers, creating a dialogue between anti-poverty theory and practice. Senator John Edwards' stirring conclusion summarizes the book's findings, issues a clarion call for public debate and suggests a bold new direction in combating poverty.

Check out more here:

and buy it here:

John and Elizabeth on Ed Schultz
John and Elizabeth did a wide-ranging interview with Ed Schultz yesterday covering everything from Iraq to jogging to health care to poverty to hair cuts to Sudan.

For an in-depth discussion and vlog, check out NCDem Amy on NCBlue

and just a couple teasers (thanks J for the transcript!):

On Change

ED: What are you hearing from Americans as you go around? I know it’s the war and and, but what really is an overriding, general response that you get from Americans everywhere? What is it John?

JOHN: Change. They want change. They want it in the worst kind of way. Cross the water front, I mean they know what we are faced with, they want out of Iraq – most people, they want to see us do something about health care which they think is completely dysfunctional in this country and they want to trust their president again.

(Audience cheering "Yeah" big response)

On Specifics

JOHN:: ...the way, I might – before I go I want to spend a couple minutes going through it but if you let me I want to say in advance: I hope that anybody, whether Republican or Democrat, who is seeking the presidency of the United States, instead of just using rhetoric about the war, about healthcare, about energy, about global warming, about Darfur, whatever the issue is I hope that they will have very specific proposals about what needs to be done because if you don’t have specific proposals you are not ready to be president of the United States.

(Audience cheering and clapping)

On Iran:

QUESTION: Mrs. Edwards. People have long said we don’t believe in miracles, we rely on them. God bless you. (Elizabeth thanks him)
Senator Edwards I just wanted to ask you – one of the strongest allies of the United States of America and the Middle East is the state of Israel. Israel stands today facing a towering threat from Iran. I was wondering what serious plan of action do you have. Something serious to make sure Israel doesn’t have to stand against this alone – in the future when you would take office.

JOHN: Well the, I’ll try to do this as quickly as I can it’s obviously a very serious issue...My view is what is happening in Iran right now is the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is politically unstable within his own country. He came in with this idea of economic reform - that he would lift up the people who live in poverty and strengthen the middle class, he’s done none of that. Mostly what he does is travel around the world drawing attentions to himself.

I think what we need to do along with our friends in Europe who have the economic leverage with the Iranians is we need to put maximum pressure and put a wedge between this radical leader and the Iranian people. So what we should do is have a system of sticks and carrots. The carrots should be, we will make the nuclear fuel available to you so long as we and the international community control the fuel cycle. Second we have these economic incentives to help you improve your economy because their economy is unstable right now. The flip side is if you don’t do it there is going to be very serious economic consequences.

So the, these should be done very publicly, so the Iranian people know they are stuck with a choice. And that choice is they can help their country, they can come in to the legitimate international community or they can follow this radical leader down the path into proliferation. I think that is the smart thing for America to do.

ED: Great question, thank you very much.

(Audience clapping)

There's a lot more there, including Elizabeth's great example of what Two Americas means in reality.

Edwards plan on Darfur

Lastly I had wanted to say about Edwards extensive plan regarding Darfur partially announced on Schultz's show, but running out of time, and think I really want to devote a seperate diary to just this.

For now, check out the plan on the website:

Edwards Demands Action To Stop The Humanitarian Crises In Darfur And Uganda

and a quick quote:

"We need to end the suffering in Darfur and Uganda," said Edwards. "Too many families have lost their homes, too many women and girls have been raped, too many children have been tortured and too many lives have been lost. We are at critical moments in Darfur and Uganda. The United States needs to take urgent, decisive action now to end the suffering and bring peace to the region."

Hope you enjoyed it and feel free to add any more news you have. I plan on doing a complete diary on Edwards Darfur plan and how it, combined with his plan to decrease poverty, increase education and sanitation in the areas of the world that most need it shows a radical change in American foreign policy. But that is for another day.

Tomorrow begins today. So lets get started.

Tags: John Edwards, 2008 elections, president, primaries