Friday, February 19, 2010

From Twitter 02-19-2010
By: Mark W Adams

  • 05:56:56: Is it a rule in curling that each team have at least one fat guy/girl? It's fun, but if it's "athletic" competition, so is chess.
  • 06:04:53: How is curling in the Olympics and not bowling? Darts? Tetherball? Shuffleboard? Triangle Paper Football?
  • 06:08:28: Irony, catch the fever. "No to Affirmative Action, Yes to a Meritocracy"
  • 12:02:49: Huh? Tiger Woods is joining the USA curling team? This is on every channel, wow.
  • 12:09:39: RT @dceiver: "Look, I have written, 'DO NOT PUT MY PENIS IN THINGS' on the palm of my hand, so I can remember." #eyeoftheTIGER
  • 12:19:22: Netroots Nation not covered like #CPAC cuz liberal "rockstars" go to the Grammys and Oscars.
  • 12:24:01: Prosecute Dick Cheney for #torture after confession on ABC News. Please RT @CREDOmobile
  • 16:13:35: RT @ThePlumLineGS: New poll finds majority backs Mirandizing of ALL terror suspects as a matter of policy:
  • 17:14:49: BOO YAH! RT @ThePlumLineGS: BREAKING: Harry Reid signals support for reconciliation vote on public option:
  • 22:28:44: Ashcroft: Civilian Trials for Terrorists, Mirandizing Them Standard Procedure: Who'd have thought John Ashcroft wo...

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