Saturday, July 31, 2010

From Twitter 07-30-2010
By: Mark W Adams

  • 10:49:34: Stoners aren't nearly as reckless as Drunk Drivers. They DO tend to get lost more often though...
  • 10:55:55: They have enjoyed the benefits of our society to build unbelievable wealth. Only fair they should pay for it.
  • 11:07:52: WTF @markknoller: Growth under Bush averaged 2.5%. Now, at 2.4% GDP was "sluggish?" Gimme normal any day.
  • 11:16:45: Anyone besides @owillis lobbying to schedule Netroots Nation and ComiCon together next year? (Up! Up! and Away!)
  • 11:25:01: @BruceMcF "...And the politician cosplay could get scary" Now that would be totally worth the admission price!
  • 11:33:01: RT @Shoq: RT @StopBeck: lol. RT @jdaverhea: When Glenn Beck talks about the future, I have to call him "Nostradumbass."

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